Thursday, March 19, 2009

Rational Living

The ABC's

In the first century, a philosopher named Epictetus said, "Men are disturbed not by events which happen, but rather by the opinion they have of these events." Another translation of this says, "Men are disturbed, not by things, but by the principles and notions which they form concerning things." What this means is that it isn't what happens to you that upsets you; it's the way you look at it. For example, if you are standing in a line to buy theater tickets and someone runs into you from behind you are apt to feel angry or annoyed as you turn around to see who hit you. Let's say that when you turn around you discover that the person who pushed you is blind and is carrying a white cane. What happens to your anger? Your anger goes away! The difference is that you are now thinking differently about the situation than before you turned around. When you were angry you were probably thinking something like, "What in the world is wrong with him! He ought to look where he's going!" Now you are thinking, "Oh, poor fellow! He's blind and couldn't help it!" Another way of putting this is to say that our feelings are based on our own thought processes and attitudes rather than merely on the events around us. This explains why some people can handle difficult situations pretty well. They have a philosophy, a set of beliefs, or a way of thinking about the events of their lives which keeps them courageous and determined instead of nervous, angry, ashamed, or depressed.


So, it isn't really going to court, being ridiculed in front of others, speaking to a large group of strangers, or being threatened by someone much stronger than yourself that makes you nervous or fearful like the little guy to the left. It's that you are quite convinced that IF you get a bad decision, or IF the others think you're a wimp, or IF you forget your speech, or IF someone tries to start a fight that YOU COULDN'T STAND IT! Or that it would be PERFECTLY UNBEARABLE! Or that it would be TRULY TERRIBLE AND AWFUL! In fact, it would be just exactly as bad as a rational analysis would reveal, but you aren't doing a rational analysis when you are nervous, anxious, or afraid. You are thinking irrationally and, in this case, "awfulizing." There is no doubt that life confronts us with a lot of situations which have bad consequences, but there's no use making things worse by awfulizing about them!


It isn't the behavior of your spouse, the attitude of a store clerk, the decision of a jury, or being treated unfairly that makes you angry as depicted here. It's that you are quite convinced that things SHOULDN'T or MUSTN'T be that way! Or that people HAVE GOT TO be reasonable. Sometimes we can see that there is another idea in there, namely, "If I get mad enough they'll HAVE to straighten out." Those ideas in all capitals are actually irrational. Consider for a moment. While it would be highly desirable if people were more reasonable, unfortunately they don't HAVE to be. The idea of importance here is what is meant by "should." If it means "It would be better" then it's rational, but if it means "It's GOT TO BE THAT WAY" then it's plainly irrational. It is this second, irrational style of thinking that leads to undesirable anger.


It isn't your past mistakes, rumors about your family background, comments about your sexual behavior, or negative remarks about your intelligence that make you feel ashamed or guilty (poor little guy!) It's that you believe strongly that if you did something wrong, or if your family had a bad reputation, or your sexual behavior wasn't perfectly acceptable, or if you aren't smarter than a certain smartness, it means that YOU ARE NO GOOD! There probably isn't really any such thing as a totally bad person. We recognize this fact when we say of someone we don't like, "Well, I suppose his mother loves him!" This is an important idea, but it is difficult to be clear about it. A person experiencing intense shame is practicing self condemnation, or as we frequently call it, self downing. He is condemning his whole self, and that's why he feels so rotten. A smarter strategy is to condemn your bad behavior without kicking yourself in the teeth. It isn't the whole you who is worthless, just some of the items in your repertoire of behaviors.


It isn't that you can no longer do what you like best because of circumstances, or that your friends, relatives, and/or lovers have seemingly forgotten you, or that you aren't getting any younger that makes you feel depressed as shown in the illustration. It's that you ardently believe that you MUST have these things you have lost in order to be happy. Just look around you and you can see that THAT's not true! You can easily find people who are pretty happy who nave none of the things you have somehow convinced yourself that you absolutely must have for happiness. Actually very little is required for ordinary happiness. Depression usually includes all of the irrational thinking modes described above plus a sort of "poor me" attitude. But don't forget that it also has biological determinants. (There is further discussion of this in a later paragraph, so read on!)


So what we're saying is that if you are in reasonably good biological health and have a well thought out rational philosophy you will almost never be very upset about anything for very long and you will look more like the little guy shown here, who is pretty cool and collected in spite of the many frustrations and disappointments of life. (I just noticed that he's cross-eyed, but I don't think rational thinking produces that condition. And anyway,he obviously isn't worrying excessively about it) The goal of this essay is to help you to develop that kind of philosophy for yourself. If you can avoid being emotionally upset, you can constructively pursue and attain your goals with much greater success. At first, you may think the aim is to make you passive, to let people walk over you, to be cold and unfeeling no matter what happens. It may seem that way to you because you have grown up around people who believe that you SHOULD get upset when things go wrong, and you will probably find it hard to believe that circumstances really are NOT the cause of emotions all by themselves. We aren't trying to do away with emotions here. Constructive emotional arousal actually energizes people to accomplish their goals. But negative emotions such as excessive fear, anger, guilt, or depression, take away your energy and make you less intelligent than you would otherwise be. Those negative emotions actually prevent you from reaching your goals and frequently cause you to make bad decisions. Learning to control them when needed can only help you to achieve whatever it is you want to achieve in life.

The following is called the ABC Theory of Emotions. It repeats what has already been said but with a picture to help. Look at the triangle below :

In this triangle, A stands for Activating event. B stands for your Beliefs, or thoughts, philosophy, or attitude. C stands for the emotional Consequences. Many people believe that A causes C. You can tell that they believe it because of the things they say: "You made me mad!" "You hurt my feelings!" "Crowds make me nervous!" "That was a depressing movie!" "My father could always make me feel guilty by just looking at me in a certain way!" "He was laying this guilt trip on me!" "How does it make you feel when ________?" This belief is represented by the red line from A to C, above. But, as we have seen, this isn't the way things really work. (Notice that the red line disappears and is replaced by a red X to show that A does NOT directly cause C.) What really happens is that you find out that your mother-in-law is going to spend a week with you at A, you think something like, "She will probably criticize me the whole time she's here! The old bat! She shouldn't be so unfair! It's absolutely awful when she carries on like that and I just can't stand it!" at B, and you get very angry at C and can't think straight, deal with your mother-in-law tactfully and effectively, or think of a clever way to improve the likelihood that her visit will not be as unpleasant as usual. All this is represented above by the green line that moves from A to B (which then flashes yellow) and from B to C (which flashes red.) We say that A triggers B and B causes C. (This is the very first animation I ever made, and I doubt that I'll be sought by Walt Disney Enterprises, but maybe it gets the point across.) Events trigger your beliefs, and your beliefs are responsible for the emotional tone of your life.


This is the second lesson in rational thinking. In the first lesson we learned that it isn't what happens to you that makes you nervous; it's the way you think. And since there's no advantage to being nervous, it is obvious that ANYTHING that you think that makes you nervous is CRAZY, NUTTY, or (to use a more polite word) IRRATIONAL. In this lesson, we are going to explore the nutty beliefs which cause fear and the rational, sensible beliefs which can be used to counteract fear. We are going to show you that you can indeed get control of fear when you begin to understand its cause and begin to practice substituting rational beliefs for irrational ones. Bertrand Russell once said, "It is impossible to be afraid of anything if you have thought about it deeply enough."


As illustrated above, we have fear in all degrees, from what is usually called WORRY all the way to ABJECT TERROR. Fear can make you appear stupid and lazy. Fear keeps people from bravely going out into the world and making a happy, fulfilling life for themselves. The following brief outline lists the most common causes of fear and the simplest, most straightforward cures for this disabling emotion. Fear even keeps you from studying your math assignment!


There are, basically, three steps in overcoming any kind of unwanted emotional reaction. Like making any change in your behavior, some effort on your part is required. Here are the three steps:


One of the biggest roadblocks to getting better control of your life is a failure to realize WHEN negative emotions are interfering with your happiness or preventing you from reaching your goals. A lot of psychotherapy consists of merely training people to become more aware of themselves.


Negative feelings are always caused by irrational beliefs of some sort. The following discussion will help you to zero in on the particular nutty ideas which are causing you problems.


The list below will give you some helpful hints on ways to challenge the nutty beliefs which cause fear, anxiety, self consciousness, worry, some forms of laziness, and other unnecessary and disabling negative emotions.


A. Causes (awfulizing)

1. It would be PERFECTLY TERRIBLE or PERFECTLY AWFUL if I fail (or if "it" happens!).

2. I COULDN'T STAND IT if people criticized me (or if "it" happens!)

3. "It" MUST be prevented at all costs!

4. A person OUGHT TO worry about some things, and if he didn't he'd be CRAZY!

B. Cures (disliking)

1. What would ACTUALLY be so TERRIBLE or AWFUL about failure? I wouldn't like it, but it wouldn't be the end of the world.

2. If people criticize me, where is the evidence that I can't stand it? I certainly could stand it, although I wouldn't like it. I can stand anything if it doesn't kill me, and if it kills me I'll be out of it!

3. Why MUST it be prevented? I can't stop "it" from happening by worrying about it. And there are plenty of things that can't be prevented at all, such as earthquakes, volcanos, death, etc.

4. Where is the evidence that ANYTHING is accomplished by worrying? There is no such evidence. It's childish to think that MY nervous system can control what happens in the outside world! What a relief! I can relax and the world probably won't stop or come apart.

The crucial difference between irrational and rational thoughts is often a matter of absolutism. A nervous person doesn't merely see that it would be undesirable to be criticized, for example. He believes that it would be ABSOLUTELY UNBEARABLE to be criticized.

C. Be careful! Beware of becoming rude and/or reckless. The above does not mean that you want to learn not to CARE what others think of you -- merely that you don't upset yourself when other people don't like you or don't approve of your behavior. And this will inevitably happen some of the time. Nor does it mean that you foolishly take unwise risks--merely that you don't worry yourself sick over unavoidable ones.


The topic of this third lesson in rational thinking is anger. Anger is an emotional reaction, like fear, which comes in different degrees : small, medium, and large, as well as many in-between states. Like fear, there are many different degrees of anger. Anger ranges from mild annoyance to blind rage, as seen below.


Is anger desirable? Some people we know get angry very easily and others seldom get very angry. Most people agree that some degree of anger can be a good thing. A moderate expression of anger between husband and wife, for example, often acts as an important communication which serves to keep the relationship on an even keel. But it is also easy to see that a lot of anger is highly undesirable. One thing that is very undesirable about strong anger is that it tends to interfere with clear thinking. It makes us dumb. We all know of times when we have said things when we were angry that we really didn't mean or else we have said things that we have regretted later. Anger is undesirable when it leads us to do self defeating things, and it often does.

One mistake people often make is in thinking that anger is necessary to accomplish goals. Strong determination is certainly necessary to accomplish difficult goals, but determination and anger are NOT the same thing at all. Even in a football game, the coach may urge his team to "hit 'em hard!" and this may sound like he is telling them to get mad. But if a player really gets mad, he loses his judgement and earns a penalty from the referee for "unnecessary roughness."

Another mistake is to think that if a person doesn't act angry or show his anger that he isn't really angry. But anger is a feeling inside of us. Probably all of us have learned to hide our anger from others at least some of the time, but the anger is really there anyway. There is some scientific evidence for the idea that "bottled up" anger can make us ill in quite a number of different ways such as high blood pressure, stomach ulcers, and headaches. Learning to recognize our own angry feelings is not always easy because we have, most of us, learned to fool even ourselves about anger! Have you ever angrily declaimed, "I am NOT ANGRY!"

Another mistake is the belief that anger is like steam in a boiler and that it will help to "blow off steam". Research has shown that blowing off steam is only a temporary help at best as long as there is still fire under the boiler. The aim of the following discussion is to show how we can actually learn to turn off the fire, because anger (like other negative emotions) is caused by our own thoughts and beliefs, not circumstances. In the following outline, the thoughts which cause anger are listed under letter A, the rational thoughts which cure anger are listed under B, and a caution is included in letter C. You will see that this outline is similar to the one on fear in the previous lesson.


A. Causes (awfulizing and demanding)

1. He shouldn't do that!
2. She should be more considerate!
3. They've got to respect my rights!
4. He must obey the rules!
5. She has to listen to reason!
6. They ought to be fair!

B. Cure (disliking and preferring)

1. Why shouldn't he? I'd rather he didn't do that, or I'd prefer him not to, but there's no Cosmic Law that says he shouldn't. He probably has poor judgement. Maybe he was raised wrong. Maybe he's dumb.
2. Why should she? If I knew everything about her I'd probably find that whatever way she is it's the way she should be. There's no Cosmic Law that says she should or must be the way I want her to be.
3. Why have they got to? It would be much nicer if they did, and I would greatly prefer that they respect my rights. But they don't have to! Unfortunately, they have a right to be wrong.
4. Why must he? I'd like for him to obey the rules, but I can't make him do it by being angry.
5. Why does she have to? She doesn't have to do anything (except maybe die some day.)
6. Why ought they be fair? It might be nice, but the world isn't always fair and it probably never will be! I'd better bravely find a way to reach my goals in an unfair world. It's the only one I've got!

C. Be careful! Beware of becoming a doormat or a jellyfish. The above does not mean, "Flop down and accept whatever happens." It does mean, "when there is nothing you can do, don't upset yourself about it! If there is something you can do, do it!"


Lesson 4 is about the feeling of shame, or as it is sometimes called, guilt. Like fear and anger, shame can be mild, moderate, or severe with countless variations in between, as depicted below.


Like fear and anger, shame can interfere with your life. A person who has strong feelings of shame usually lacks energy and initiative and instead of running his own life he is very likely to let other people do it for him. Then he usually ends up very angry and unhappy! Feelings of shame are not caused by the events of your past life or by the knowledge that someone may have found out about those events. Those highly unpleasant feelings are caused by the way you think about yourself and your past. People who are ashamed always "awfulize" about what they have done or have failed to do and then tell themselves that because they are not perfect that they are bad through and through! There is also the idea that through suffering they can, in some mysterious way, pay for their misdeeds or inadequacies. These are the nutty ideas that cause and maintain feelings of shame, and we are going to zero in on these thoughts or philosophies in a way that will reveal just how nutty they really are!

On August 30th, 2001, Stuff wrote:

Ernest Hemingway told this story about Paco. A father came to Madrid, which is full of boys named Paco, and inserted an advertisement in the personal columns of a local newspaper offering: PACO MEET ME AT HOTEL MONTANA NOON TUESDAY ALL IS FORGIVEN PAPA. According to the story, a squadron of the civil guard had to be called out to disperse the eight hundred young men who answered the ad. Isn't it true that all of us need to be forgiven?

One very common opinion about shame is that you ought to be ashamed of some things. Although this opinion is very common, it is nonetheless quite irrational. Shame is an emotion that interferes with your intelligence, destroys your motivation, and results in a pattern of body language that invites others to attempt to dominate you. How can that be constructive? Granted that you have misbehaved in a highly undesirable way, isn't that enough of a problem? Why make two problems out of one? There is a common belief that you won't correct your mistakes if you don't feel ashamed of them. It would be more accurate to say that you won't be motivated to correct your mistakes if you don't see clearly what they are and why they are undesirable. But shame won't help you to do that! And finally, there is the idea that somehow you are paying for your mistakes by suffering. Who is getting paid? This is really nonsense!


A. Causes (awfulizing, demanding, and self downing)

1. What I did was perfectly awful!
2. It shouldn't have happened!
3. I've got to suffer to pay for what I did!
4. I've got to find a way to make everything all right!
5. I'm a terrible person because I'm not perfect!

B. Cures (disliking, prefering, and rational self acceptance)

1. Granted that what I did was highly undesirable, but how was it perfectly awful? Where is the evidence that it was so EXTREMELY bad that I have to suffer forever?
2. Why shouldn't it have happened? At the time I was using bad judgement, perhaps because I was already ashamed of something. I'd better keep my eyes open from here on to avoid a repeat performance!
3. Where's the evidence that I have to suffer? There's no law of the universe that hands out suffering to people who have behaved badly. It's bad enough that I did it. Why make two problems out of one by suffering on top of everything else?
4. How can I possibly do that? Time machines haven't been invented yet. What a relief! No need to have a nervous fit trying to do the impossible!
5. I am not a worm for behaving wormily. Just because I have done something undesirable doesn't make me a totally undesirable person! After all, I can enjoy just being alive.

C. Be careful! Beware of becoming irresponsible. The above does not mean for you to adopt the attitude that you don't care about your behavior - merely that you don't unnecessarily upset yourself over the inevitable mistakes all fallible human beings make from time to time. Being relatively free of shame will actually help you to make constructive changes in your life so that you will be less likely to continue making the same mistakes!


Depression might be called "public enemy number one" in the negative emotions department. Like fear, anger, and shame, it can exist in all degrees. The pictures below illustrate this.


Depression is probably responsible for a very substantial reduction in productivity. It has been estimated that if we could eliminate depression in all its many forms we could boost our gross national product and balance the national budget in just a few years! Think about it: Haven't there been plenty of days in your life that you just didn't "feel like" working or being productive? Very likely those were days when you were having a mild depression. And depression, like fear, anger and shame, is largely caused and maintained by irrational thinking. It is impossible to be really depressed without THINKING SOMETHING! That may be the main reason why electro-convulsive therapy (shock treatments) are effective in relieving depression : the treatments interrupt the depressive thoughts which maintain the depression! When the guy wakes, up he can't remember what he was depressed about!

In the previous lessons we have seen that fear is largely caused by awfulizing, anger by demanding, and shame by self downing. However, it would be more accurate to say that fear (which is the simplest negative feeling) is caused by awfulizing, anger (which is a little more complicated) is caused by awfulizing AND demanding, and shame (more complicated still) is caused by awfulizing AND demanding AND self downing. Depression is caused by "all of the above" PLUS an attitude or belief system which we call attachment or "poor me-ing". Here's how it works. Bozo is in love with Suzabella. In the following paragraphs we illustrate fear, anger, shame, and depression by exposing Bozo's thoughts.

FEAR that he will lose Suzabella. "Oh-oh! She got a letter from her old boyfriend. What if she starts going with him again? That would be PERFECTLY TERRIBLE AND AWFUL AND I COULDN'T STAND IT!!"

ANGER that Suzabella talks to her old boyfriend on the phone: "IT's PERFECTLY AWFUL that she's talking to him and she SHOULDN'T DO IT! She PROMISED, and she MUST keep her promises!!"

SHAME over being unfaithful to Suzabella: "What I did was PERFECTLY AWFUL and I SHOULDN'T have done it and it means that I AM A TERRIBLE PERSON!!" Or in the case where Bozo had not been unfaithful, he can still feel shame because he thinks, "If she prefers him it just goes to show that I'm no good."

DEPRESSION over losing Suzabella: "It's PERFECTLY AWFUL that I have lost Suzabella! She SHOULDN'T have left me! I must be a TERRIBLE PERSON because she doesn't love me any more! And I CAN'T POSSIBLY EVER BE HAPPY AGAIN without her!! POOR ME!!"

Notice the last statement in Bozo's depressive thinking above. It illustrates ATTACHMENT. Attachment is the belief that you can't do without something or that you can't possibly be happy without it. The truth is that happiness doesn't crucially depend on having ANYTHING. Remind yourself that everything you now have and enjoy you will lose some day if you live long enough. And haven't you known old people who had lost many things who were brave and cheerful? It's NICE to have love, possessions, good times, money. But it's not ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for happiness! Many people have gone to Tibet and meditated on a mountain top for years in order to learn this very important lesson. But you can learn it much more quickly and effectively without all that trouble. Of course, a lot of practice is required. The following outline gives the most important causes and cures of depression.


A. Causes (awfulizing, demanding, self downing, and attachment)

1. I can't be happy unless so-and-so loves me!
2. I am a failure. Everything about me is no good!
3. A person who has ________ as I have is better off dead!
4. I am no good unless ________!

B. Cures (disliking, preferring, self acceptance, and realistic independence)

1. Who says I can't be happy without so-and-so? I was happy before I ever met him or her!
2. How can I BE a failure? I can fail, but that certainly doesn't mean that I AM a failure! After all, I can still breathe and blink my eyes. I'm not failing at everything!
3. How is ANYONE better off dead? Nonsense! As long as I'm alive I have choices. When I'm dead I won't have any choices.
4. Who says I HAVE to _____? Why do I HAVE TO BE smarter, better looking, more successful? It might be nice, but it isn't NECESSARY for happiness. I can enjoy being alive just because I exist! I'm good enough for myself as long as I'm breathing!

C. Be careful! Beware of becoming arrogant, egotistical, or a "pollyanna." The above does not mean to try to convince yourself that you're better than you are at anything or that you don't care about the opinion of others or that you don't strive to achieve meaningful goals. What it does mean is that you can train yourself to be pretty brave and cheerful no matter what! That way you will get more love, like yourself better, and accomplish more in life.

Self-love: the most important variety!

Some Theoretical Considerations

This discussion appears to assume that the only causes of emotions are psychological ones. The author knows better than this. We all inherit a nervous system and an endocrine system which together give each of us a temperament that will characterize us throughout our lives, with minor variations. There is very good evidence nowadays that depression, in particular, has strong biological determinants. I haven't the slightest doubt that a tendency to be fearful, angry, or shame- ridden are also strongly influenced by biological factors. Undergraduate students of psychology may be heard saying things like "Is it psychological or is it physical?" This is naïve. Everything is psychological and physical at the same time. And the interaction of the two levels of events is often very complex. The present essay, however, can be a significant help even when there are strong biological predisposing factors. These ideas are presented to supplement chemotherapy and other forms of physical treatment, not to replace them.

And another possible misconception in reading this guide for the first time is that the aim is to eliminate emotions altogether. Are we all to become Vulcans like Spock in Startrek? No indeed! Emotion is an essential ingredient in good constructive competent living. Please note that we have been discussing only negative emotions which reduce our efficiency or bring about other undesired consequences. A well known principle of psychology may help to clarify this point. It is known as the Yerkes Dodson Law. It can be best understood by studying the diagram below:

diagram of the Yerkes Dodson Law
This diagram plots efficiency (or perhaps we should call it effectiveness) against arousal level. Efficiency can be anything from zero to 100% and arousal level can vary from asleep to frantic. The diagram says that we are not very efficient or effective when we are not very aroused or not strongly motivated, that we are not very efficient or effective when we are too aroused or too strongly motivated, and that we are at our best when we have an optimal level of arousal or motivation. Arousal level here is taken to be essentially the same thing as strength of emotion or, if you prefer, strength of motivation. The graph might be considered to represent all four of the "negative emotions" we have described here with the words, "fear", "anger", "shame" and "depression" representing the extreme right-hand end of the continuum. Adaptive strengths of these four negative emotions (which are only negative because they are too intense) might be alertness, preparedness, and caution instead of fear; determination, dedication, and assertiveness instead of anger; rational regret and resolve to do better in the future in place of shame; and independence, self reliance, and rational self acceptance instead of depression.

Infatuation - The Evil Twin Brother of Love

Love's evil twin brother, infatuation, is an obsessive compulsion to receive emotional support from another person. "Falling in love" in this manner involves the irrational expectation that the same emotion will magically appear in the other person. If this fails to occur, the infatuated person feels hurt. Infatuation is common, especially among singles, and especially younger, inexperienced folks. The Ancient Greeks expressed pity for the man suffering this sort of love, a "madness" sent by the Gods in their view.

Those prone to becoming infatuated are often lonely and generally feel discontented with their lives. Long-term, these individuals should try to break free from the patterns of behavior that have caused them unhappiness. I recommend our "How to Be Happy" page as a tutorial to asserting control over one's emotions and learning how to minimize the harmful negative feelings.

Having experienced both sides of the infatuation equation I have a few words of advice for those that are "under the influence." When you are infatuated, unless you are gifted with uncommon wisdom (but in that case you would not be infatuated in the first place!) it is seldom clear what actions are proper and what actions are improper. Situations vary, and I cannot give general advice on what to do. I can give general advice on what actions to avoid. People commit the same mistakes in case after case.

Once upon a time, during the hottest part of the summer, which seems to bring out the craziness, not to mention meanness, in people a friend of mine was bit by a Venusian bug. He arranged a dramatic confrontation with me, alone in a park, over his attraction to me and my supposed hidden desire for him. He had apparently been brooding about this for a long time, which is scary. (Even now, I hear from other friends the crazy things that he says, and his friends number fewer and fewer.) Brooding over others is both impolite and stupid.

He had cobbled together a complicated, highly detailed theory consisting of a dozen pieces of "evidence," lifting my words or actions out of context and misreading love out of my actual friendship and good nature. He carefully ignored the overwhelming evidence to the contrary! Like a lawyer in a courtroom, he argued his thesis that I was in love with him and just not showing it. Hint: if someone isn't showing love, it's not there. In his fantasy, my current lover, with whom I enjoy a monogamous relationship, was no longer needed! We had to confront him, Mr. Looney Tunes explained, with the "truth." As I continued to calmly but firmly deny this nonsense, he became increasingly angry and made all kinds of accusations that I was "deceiving" either myself or him, or possibly both. This guy was nuts. People who are considered nuts do not generally have many friends nor are they happy individuals.

The moral of this story is, if you do nothing else with your life, at the very least, try to be a happy person and avoid making problems for other people. This experience has led me to compose several maxims regarding infatuation. Without further ado, here is a short guide on how NOT to act when you feel "in Love" :

  • Don't allow yourself to believe for even one moment that the OTHER person is also "in Love" (infatuated, obsessed) with you--this almost never happens-- if you feel any doubt then trust your doubt. If you can at least avoid deceiving yourself when indulging the vice of love, then the resulting pain will be much less. Do NOT blame the person you love for not "being honest" about what you think is their deep passion for you. Do NOT blame the person you love for "stringing you along." You string yourself along! The only person that makes you love someone is--you! The proper thing to cultivate is "self-control."

  • LISTEN to what the other person says. If he says, "I just want to be friends," or "I'm not interested in fooling around," then HE MEANS IT. Don't double-guess another person! Don't arrogantly think "you know better than he does about his own mind." These errors will come back to haunt you. And you had better listen to other people, if you have any desire for good social relations! If you fail to listen, you will miss many clues that could spare you from humiliation and rejection. Listening requires LOOKING at the other person, IN THE EYES, and watching their face and hands. Listening requires NOT DAYDREAMING, but taking in each word that is said, and the way in which it is said. If you are not in the habit of listening CAREFULLY, now is a good time to start practicing!

  • Do NOT brood over the other person. If you find yourself thinking about him or her "all the time," and the other person does not return the compliment, that is unhealthy. Exercise, socialize with other friends, join a club, get involved in other activities. Love yourself and do good things for yourself.

  • NEVER commit any hostile act against the person you love or once loved. Be wise enough to "walk away" from a situation where you are unwanted. Having failed in love, there is no good to come from receiving hatred in its place. Display grace, dignity, and honor, and others will respect you for it however grudgingly.

  • Don't take yourself or your love too seriously. View it as "a game," something that should be "fun" and "entertaining." Do NOT allow yourself to get depressed over love. Certainly don't entertain thoughts of suicide or whatnot. Love yourself! Don't fret over whether other people love you. Recently, an attractive woman told me that she had entertained thoughts of marriage with a man, until they broke up. She had had suicidal thoughts after the break-up. He was now with another woman. I was not too impressed with the man and wondered what on earth she saw in him. Really it boggles the mind that someone could get so fired up over a silly infatuation. Get over it! Take to jogging two miles a day. Go for a walk. Read a book. Make a new friend. NO - ONE is worth killing yourself over, or even getting depressed about. If you only knew the other person better you probably wouldn't want them so much in the first place!

  • I got this from
    I just love it and felt the urge to post it somewhere so I couldn't
    lose it. ^-^

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


A polite Japanese lady will cover her mouth when she giggles.

She will bow her head to hide her eyes when she is embarassed.

One could only imagine the crisis this creature faces inside the ladies' room.

She enters the cubicle, closes the door, pulls the latch and sits. Soon, the crowded washroom

reverberates with the sound of her urine splashing into the water at the bottom of the toilet

An unfavorable nuisance of modern life, you may say. A source of deep humiliation if you

happen to be a Japanese woman.

Her solution for years has been to conceal the noise. Not by a well-timed cough.

But by flushing the toilet whilst relieving herself. The familiar commotion created by the

gurgling cistern drowns out of her business.

Depending on the length of her stay, the toilet may be flushed up to three or four times.

And she may walk out quietly, without anyone knowing of the noise that she has made.

Her face saved.

Unfortunately, the water is not. With each flush, 10 litres of water disappears into the

sewerage. That's 30 litres a visit. And over 100 litres daily.

Now, multiply that by the number of women in all of Japan.

A self-conscious avoidance of shame results in a shameful loss of pure drinking water.

And water is now one of the most precious commodities in the East.

Over 70% of India's water supplies are contaminated. In New Delhi, the Yzmuna River is

deluged with 50 million gallons of untreated sewerage, 5 million gallons of industrial effluent

and 125 thousand gallons of DDT. Not in a year. But each hopeless day.

The mighty Ganges swallows the raw human waste of no less than 114 crowded cities.

Shanghai spends millions piping clean water to its vast urban sprawl from over 900 miles away

So too does Singapore and Bangkok. The Philippines and Indonesia inexplicably lose over one

third of all water pumped to their thristy cities.

Saudi Arabia's supply will be exhausted early next century. The next war in the Middle East

won't be over crude black oil, but crystal clear water.

India and Pakistan are almost certain to find themselves in a similar position as they attempt

to resolve the competition for the thick murk that flows through the Hindus river basin.

Hong Kong has the pleasure of possessing more Rolls Royce automobiles per capita than any o

other country. Yet you risk your life from drinking from the tap there.

Ironic then, that the source of life brings death. Bubbling with disease, fouled water robs the

lives of 25 thousand Asians daily. 10 million a year.

The majority of them small children too frail to fight.

The world bank estimates it will cost at least $128 billion in the next 10 years to simply meet

the basic drinking and sanitation needs of Asia.

An amount almost beyond comprehension.

The crisis is real. It will not go away.

It calls for us all to re-evaluate how we use the clean water that is available.

And for the more ingenious ones amongst us to find solutions.

In Japan, electronic gadgets are now installed in the ladies' rooms. Attached to these gadgets are

speakers. They emulate the sound of a flushing toilet.

Now there is no need for the timid women to flush any more than is necessary.

The Fuji Bank has installed this system and already reports a $70 000 saving on water bills

each year.

How can you begin to change things? The battle begins in your home.

Everytime you turn a tap, look at the stream. You wouldn't last three days without it.

More than food, or love, or wealth, you need water to survive.


>> Taken from "Principles of Marketing"
An Asian Perspective

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


it's his little glance that i remember tonight, i was still drained for some reason, a wounded pride or a broken ego. I cannot recall what was the real ground, really, all i know is.. that trivial glance was actually the beginning of the story about the love that never was.
when i was little,my idea of love and broken heart could happen only in a heading called relationship. I call it love if it is shared with somebody, broken heart if the love's not given in return. That was anyway, a product of juvenile thoughts. Not could happen in many different ways, even the love that never was. It never was because it only materialized and shared for a moment in the mind and perceptions. Not formally. Not in a relationship. Not in a commitment. Or.. if it really existed, it was matter between him and his feelings, me and mine, never between us.
strange...because though were not a pair, but we both have cared, we both counted the cost. We didn't share that love methodically by having affinity but somehow, love grew. Though it only exist in our dreams but we're both aware of each other's existence... and potentials that are not yet realized. It only ran in the mind but we still managed to create something rare and that's what made it special. We have seen each other at our best and worst in daily association and in practical living. We created a thought that our company could be sustained over a period of time w/o becoming repulsive or boresome if not with the opposite statute that we both steadfastly hold. So we just felt the magic for a while and in the next moment, feel the force of moving away. It injures... but loving him is a thing i couldn't change yet and maybe not in a long, long while. But this feeling is mine to keep, it will never become his.
Just a thought that if these things happened when I was little, maybe i cried. Maybe I remorsed and regret, maybe I died. Because those were the times when I cannot appreciate the many values in life. Those were the times when I wasn't ready yet to admit defeat, when I haven't yet felt the great desire to do something larger like getting hurt and mending it alone but still keeping those well-deserved peace of mind. Now, I put emphasis on the challenging times because if it's not for this, I'm not the one who I am now. The love that never was and the pain provide strength that proved my self-worth, my individuality and trademark of courage that gave meaning to my existence...and I'm proud I've been to that long, long way that others failed to see.
Now, I'm rechanelling all negative thoughts and emotions, for self-preservation, for moving on. The story of the little glance is very trivial to tell. But it's going to be kept through the years until new love chooses me again. That must be real, pure and genuine... The love that everybody longs for, the love that really exist, the love that lasts for a lifetime. Like a little dead leaf from an old tree, the little glnce will be forgotten, the love that never was will just pass by...


It was once announced that the devil was going out of business and would offer his tools for sale, to whoever would pay the price.
On the night of the sale, they were all attractively displayed, even so they were a bad lot.
Malice, hatred, envy, jealousy, sensuality - and all the otherimplements of evil were spread each marked with a price. Apart from the rest lay a harmless wedge-shaped tool much word and priced higher than any of the others.
Someone asked the devil, "What is that?"
"That is Discouragement" replied the Devil.
"Why do you have priced it so high?" the prospective purchaser inquired
"Because," said the devil, "it is more useful to me than any of the others. I can pry into a man's conscience with that when I cannot get near him with any other tool I possess."
"Once I get into his mind with Discouragement, I can use him in whatever way which suits him best. The reason this tool is so much worn is that I can use it with nearly everyone, as very few people knew it belongs to me."
It hardly needs to be added that the devil's price for Discouragement was so high that it never sold.
He still owns it, and uses it.


One day, an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students, and to drive home a point, used an illustration those students will never forget. Here is how he made his point: As he stood in front of the group of high-powered achievers, he produced about a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them, one at a time into a jar. When the jar was filled to the top and no more rocks would fit inside, he asked, "is this jar full?"
Everyone in the class said "Yes" then he said, "Really?"
He reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel in and shook the jar causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the spaces between the big rocks. Then he asked the group once more, "Is this jar full?"
By this time, the class was onto him. "Probably not," one of them answered. "Good," he replied. He reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand. He started dumping the sand in and it went into all the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel. Once more, he asked the question "Is this jar full?"
"No", the class shouted. Once again, he said,"Good!"
Then he grabbed a picture of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to the brin. Then he looked up at the class and asked, "What is the point of this full illustration?"
One eager bearer raised his hand and said, "The point is,no matter how full your schedule is, if you really try hard, you can fit some more things into it."
"No," the speaker replied. "That is not the point."
The truth this illustration teaches us is, if you don't put the big rocks first, you'll never get them in at all."
What are the big rocks in your life?
Time with your loved ones? Your faith? Your education? Your dreams? A worthy cause?
Remember to put these 'big rocks' first or you'll never get them in at all.
So tonight, or in the morning, when you are reflecting on this short story, ask yourself this question: What are the big rocks in my life? Then put those in your jar first.

Friday, October 26, 2007


I can hardly open my eyes - something tells me to carry on my perfect slumber yet the graceful zephyr effortlessly caught me on its hook and brought me back to wakefulness.
I hate cold mornings.
It wakes me up from my peaceful sleep - only to find out it's still hours early before sunrise.
As I sit on my bed, I felt a soft chill up my spine that made my stomach hurt a little.
It's because of this recurring feeling that my world would suddenly stop, shutting on its own, making my ears sound-proof - undisturbed from all the noises of the outside world.
This nostalgia would make me reel about uncertain thoughts of the past and haunt me into an endless whirl of melancholy.
It's because of these feelings that my mind would seem to be frozen and time would appear to be absurd.
I'm not so sure if this is a wonderful or a drastic feeling .
The answer to that question doesn't seem to appear in my episodic memory.
Billions of vague thoughts would zap into my brainwaves, questions left unanswered, actions left unexpressed - like a stone wall being put on my back.
Carrying this massive, invisible load is a stab in every breath I take, a whip to my wounded soul.
Somehow, I have beared the pain... I became numb and it made me feel invincible.
I went on through life like an actor on a stage, wearing a cheerful mask to hide a rotting flesh.
Thus, the monotony had actually consumed every bit of vitality left in my nerves and has dried up my bones.
Life can't get less boring. Everyday is just a habitual stupor and everything else will just be a blur of hazy images.
Maybe it was my fault to act this way- keeping a poker face on top of a heart that's being ripped into shreds.
Like a snow-capped mountain, I am fearlessly cold.
Like a startled ferret, I run hiding into my hole.
Isn't it ironic to be bold and coward at the same time? When you think big but feel less?
Who knows? A helpless heart may be lying at the insides of a hideous monster.
I feel a tingling chill up my spine again - but this time, the weather has nothing to do with it.